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Saudi Arabia



The ABC of Office Acoustics

Open-plan offices have become increasingly popular in recent years. They aid integration and collaboration, and generally open up paths of communication – but they are not without their issues.

While it is good to offer staff an environment in which they can share ideas and discuss openly, it is not so conducive when it comes to privacy and can also lead to problems with distraction. But if you learn the ABC of office acoustics, you can go a long way to resolving these pitfalls without having to resort to rebuilding those walls.

A: Absorb

Noise loves hard surfaces to bounce off. This reverberation causes echoes which are incredibly distracting. It’s vital to halt the sound waves with soft surfaces and, in the office, these can come in the form of ceiling and wall panels or carpets. Sound-absorbing

PET felt acoustic panels are just the job here. They will not completely eliminate the sound but will subtly assist in breaking up the irritating echo.
